It has been repeatedly claimed that bacteria are responsible for tooth decay. Bacteria are not responsible for tooth decay. When you observe bones and jaw bone structures that have been decaying in the soil for long periods of time, you observe no bacterial decay, and teeth are untouched by the plethora of bacteria found in the soil said to be responsible for tooth decay. Bacteria are never the cause of tooth decay, including parasites, nor are they ever pathogenic. Toxicity and its byproducts are solely responsible for decaying teeth. When observing tribes and people who eat bacteria-rich raw meats and foods, they develop no dental caries over time. When observing those same people who have been subjected to Western style food, having abandoned their nutritious raw diets to now consume processed breads and foods, they soon develop dental decay and crooked teeth.
The vast amount of sugar from processed and refined breads and foods in the Western diet plays a great role in this decay. Even natural fruit sugars are detrimental in large amounts to the teeth, such as can be seen in long-term fruitarians. Likewise, vegetarians also suffer from great amounts of tooth decay due to their lack of calcium and magnesium for bone development. Fluoridated water causes tooth decay as well, and has been shown time and time again to cause tooth decay. Fluoride serves as one of the greatest catalysts to tooth decay, being found in toothpaste, tap water, and even bottled water for babies, making it hard to totally escape. Using fluoride free tooth-paste and never drinking tap water is essential.
Tooth decay, including cavities, are the result of toxicity being discarded from the brain and areas of the mouth, such as tongue, and gums. Those toxins must be neutralized by the body. Toxins usually adhere to the backside of the bottom row of incisor teeth in front of the mouth, as toxins settle there more readily. A chemical reaction occurs as toxins adhere to the back face of the tooth. When those toxins come into contact with calcium in enamel, they harden into rock-like structures called plaque. Plaque is an amalgam of hardened toxins, usually heavy metals, calcium, magnesium, and so forth. That plaque must ideally be removed every month in order for those toxins to continue to be able to bind with calcium and be neutralized.
Learning how to self-clean the teeth by utilizing professional dental tools such as a universal curette is necessary, and in the end, is not too difficult to learn properly. There is absolutely no parasite or bacteria responsible for any tooth decay. Bacteria in saliva are greatly responsible for the health of the teeth and mouth, coating and surrounding the teeth at all times. Raw milk and cheese will rebuild the teeth over time and will reverse or stop the progression of any current dental caries, rebuilding the teeth with calcium and the necessary raw nutrients. On this diet, no dental caries or tooth decay will manifest, and visits to the dentist will cease. I personally have not visited a dentist in many years. My teeth are straight, white, and absolutely no decay is present.
Any sort of inflammatory response in tooth decay is due to the vast amount of nerve endings being affected by tooth decay, which may cause disruptions to the nervous system further down into the body.
Jeff Green
Hi Jeff, I am very curious what your take is on the end results are of the poison jab. Have you followed the jab ingredient investigative stories? It appears there is plenty of poisons in the full-boat jab vials to cause lots of problems. In your opinion, will the ones who got the full shot most likely die in a few years?
NOTE: It appears there are different ingredients in the vials. From only saline solution to critters, metals, robots and graphene. So not all jabs are the same.
Firstly, none of the vaccines have nanobots in them or any kind of living thing. They possibly use small amounts of graphene oxide to create better cell permeability to get the toxin into the cell and alter DNA, but they claim it is not in the vaccines. The end goal is population control.
Bloody brilliant article – totally changed my view. The argument about post-mortem decay is incontrovertible. Much appreciated – thank you, thank you thank you. 🙂 Now I have to learn how to clean my own teeth.
Thank you Brad…
Good morning,
I appreciate your insights, it has given me a lot to think about regarding health and healing. Your discussion here brings a question to mind. I suffer with what seems to be chronic sinusitis, and for the longest time I, like many others, usually take some sort of Advil + decongestant to deal with the pain. I avoid antibiotics, but I know others use them. I am wondering what your thoughts are on this, and whether this medication is actually preventing the body from being able to remove toxins (as decongestants sort of dry out the sinuses), thereby creating this never-ending cycle of partially being healed but never really getting there. Is a better solution just to let the body run through the sickness and purge whatever toxin is creating this issue? I worry that the longer one avoids facing the pain, perhaps the more painful it will be for the body to heal. Appreciate any thoughts you may have.
Jeff, Great article on the myths and truths of tooth decay. Since being on a Primal Raw diet, I notice my teeth rebuilding and patching areas of eroded enamel, active cavities healing and rebuilding. I have been recently experimenting with not brushing my teeth at all, in a way to see what happens and in another way to allow minerals to do their job of rebuilding. ButI have noticed lots of plaque, so after several days or weeks I will floss my teeth to remove plaque build up. My gums bleed a lot and have tenderness. So I guess after my experimenting and reading your article here, I think I should be more regular about removing plaque/ brushing teeth. What is your best advice here?
My teeth are in great shape otherwise and really stronger since this diet, oral health has improved a lot too. No stinky breath even without brushing teeth. Thanks for all your work.
I brush usually three times daily but only with a soft brush and water (after eating). Once a day with toothpaste (fluoride-free). I use a Hu-Friedy universal curette once a month or so. You must use it wisely and carefully. You must learn to use this tool, or one like it, to clean the teeth. Flossing and brushing simply will not remove hardened plaque. Drinking raw milk will remineralize the teeth, but there must be a removal of plaque so that the calcium and magnesium can bind to the surface of the toot.
Most “fluoride free” toothpastes, actually all of them, use glycerin, which is a vegetable oil. Everything that you said has been very informative but I thought you might want to know. I am looking for alternatives, possibly using some recipes from Aajonus Vonderplanitz. I have only recently learned about this myself as I am currently using fluoride-free, glycerin toothpaste.
I may be wrong on this one as Glycerin and Vegetable Glycerin are two different things. But it is probably important to figure out which one is in these “fluoride free” toothpastes.
Well, glycerin is not something I have had an issue with and does not concern me personally, since the amount of toothpaste I use is minuscule. But you are correct, and thanks for noting that.
You can use coconut oil and bentonite clay mix, with perhaps some peppermint oil mixed in. Or, purchase a completely glycerin-free alternative. Of course, many of the ‘alternative’ kinds of toothpaste also have their own issues. Toms has always been fine for me. I am willing to make small compromises with such things. Thoroughly Washing the toothpaste off the teeth will prevent any problem with glycerin.
Hi Jeff. My ‘environmental’ dentist is great, looking at healthy teeth from the diet, up. He’s big on tightening and toning the gum. He tests my saliva from gum pockets deep down (according to him this is where food particles and bacteria lay creating gum disease) and puts it on a slide under microscope on a screen for me to see the different types of bacteria and parasites present. Some are ok and some are dangerous as he says they erode jaw bone. I brush with hydrogen peroxide and salt daily to ‘kill’ the baddies and to tone and tighten the gums avoiding gum pockets and periodontitis aka gum disease and bleeding gums. I have a deep clean with him quarterly. I really value your opinion on my regime and my dentist.
That regime is not good for teeth since salt is a corrosive element that corrodes the teeth over time. Bacteria are not responsible for tooth decay. Tooth decay is caused by toxicity being expelled from the brain and surrounding areas into the mouth, and from the mouth and tongue itself. Those toxins require bacteria to break them down. Toxicity corrodes minerals in teeth leading to tooth decay. Bones that were found in soil where bacteria are normally plentiful saw no signs of degradation and were white and their structure remained, as I noted in my article. If bacteria were responsible for tooth decay, no one would have teeth. The mouth is made up of mostly bacteria and microbes. Bleeding gums is usually from a lack of adequate protein. You will never kill all your bacteria, and it is a fool’s errand to try. Perxodide is fine occasionally if you have tooth and gum infections to tame, but not for brushing one’s teeth daily.
If you want to tighten and tone your gums, drink whole fat raw milk and eat whole fat natural cheese (preferably raw).
Im not very clear from your comments, what actually caises gum disease and how can it be treated? Thanks.
Gum disease is caused by toxicity inside the body being excreted by the gums, or some toxic food influencing the gums. Tooth caries and gum disease is caused by toxic foods and metals. Many toxins are excreted through the tongue and gums.
I recently heard on someone’s blog that dentists are not aware that Mrna (spike protein) is being added to the lidocaine numbing injections to enable them to do dental work pain free. I have put off going to the dentist since hearing this. I do not want it injected into me, yet I heard it has been in there for at least 2-3 years (of which I did have dental crowns done and obviously the injections. Should we be concerned? I have been told by many others that they have stopped going to dentists because so much of what they do is very bad for the body.
No, and this is the first time I have heard such a thing. Unless there is actual evidence, I wouldn’t go on believing it. It makes no sense that they would use mRNA in lidocaine.
Hi Jeff, what you think of the new water flossing machines. They look pretty good
Hey Emily, yes, they work great.