What is the Immune System?

Written by Jeff Green
Alternative Nutrition/Researcher

The immune system, contrary to popular scientific explanation, is, in fact, the whole of the body. However, within the body, there are very specific parts that comprise the main parts of the immune system. Starting in the head area, we have thyroid glands in the neck. These are glands that function, in part, by producing thyroid hormone which regulates many bodily functions such as the body’s metabolism. When the thyroid gland is overactive, one may be hyperactive and lose weight. If the gland is underactive, weight gain and fatigue will occur, as well as a whole host of other symptoms. When cells in the thyroid become contaminated with industrial toxins of all kinds, thyroid cells become damaged and disease/imbalance occurs in the area causing such imbalances. 

One of the most important parts of the immune system is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for dissolving and expelling toxins from the body. The individual parts and mechanisms that make up this system take on many micro-forms within the body. The lymphatic system is the framework responsible for the inner workings of these agents that make up the whole of the immune system.

The neck contains a major portion of the lymphatic system, which is made up of the lymph nodes and glands in the neck. There are three major networks of lymph clusters. The neck is one, the chest, and groin are the others—with many clusters in between. These regulate all actions of the head and neck area. Toxins dump more readily in these areas in the neck and chest since they are the closest to the head and mouth. In the body, we have approximately 500-600 lymph glands throughout the body. Clusters exist in the neck, underarms, chest, abdomen, and groin, as well as behind the knees and in the legs. Thus, each area of the body is managed independently by lymph nodes in each region. If one were to wound himself on the thigh, the lymph nodes in the groin may swell in order for infection to begin the healing process. If damage to the colon occurs, so too will swelling occur in the lymph nodes of the groin. If the leg is damaged, the lymph nodes with the closest path to the damage will swell. Once infection has completed and the healing processes are initiated and near completion, the lymph nodes will reduce and go back to normal. 

These parts are what make up the immune system. It is the whole of the body, and to be more precise, is the lymphatic system which is made up of lymph nodes, and the thyroid glands, and the many inner workings that exist within this system.

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3 years ago

I greatly appreciate your work and have seen your YouTube regarding viruses.
Will you offer a presentation regarding the Spanish Flu in the future?
What is your opinion of Ebola? What is it and how is it spread, if at all?
Thank you.

3 years ago

Hi there Jeff,

Why do we get tuberculosis?, And if people are infected, the doctors prescribe antibiotics.

Thank you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff G.

“Naturally occurring bacteria is never the cause of disease, nor are they ever pathogenic. Imbalances occur, and ‘bad’ bacteria are there as a result of some insult but are never the cause of disease manifestation.”

I hope I’m not taking this quote out of context? It should be qualified that some bacteria produce deadly toxins.

For example, it’s well known that botulism bacteria is very naturally occurring but produces a deadly toxin under certain anaerobic circumstances, as do staph aureus causing toxic shock syndrome, “TSS is caused by a strain of Staphylococcus aureus found in the nose, mouth, and occasionally the vagina. The bacteria produce a characteristic toxin. In large enough quantities, the toxin can enter the bloodstream, causing a potentially fatal infection.” https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/toxic+shock+syndrome

Dogs can die from drinking pond water where toxins can be produced by the cyanobacteria. There are enterotoxins produced by species of Bacillus, Clostridium, Escherichia, Staphylococcus, and Vibrio. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/enterotoxin

Some bacteria may be “opportunistic” and not always beneficial or healing in nature. They might find a nice home on or within the body, like your termite analogy. But that doesn’t mean I want termites invading my home because they’re going to clean all the dead wood for me!

Chlamydia can be spread to others, for example. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Chlamydia

I’m sure there are other examples of bacteria that can be introduced into the body that could be life threatening. Obviously, if a person has a healthy body and strong immune system, they might not experience any significant impacts. So I agree we can focus on keeping the “terrain” healthy. But that is not always possible.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff G.

I would only add when it comes to botulism, to be careful with fermented foods at home. I do a lot of fermenting and show people how to safely ferment. Botulism requires an alkaline, anaerobic/low-oxygen environment to proliferate and create the deadly toxin. When fermenting, especially root vegetables like beets for kvass, the pH needs to end below 4.6. Make sure to use proper amount of salt called for in most recipes. Salt inhibits bad bacteria while the good bacteria take off to do their job. I use water kefir and/or kombucha to make kvass, krauts, pickled vegetables. I love the tangy enzyme rich juices it creates as well. I do a shot of the juice with meals to aid digestion. I think it’s a very powerful kitchen survival skill and preservation technique which requires no heating.

You’re right about fermenting in metal, it’s not a good idea. I don’t know all the particulars to be honest, I just know it’s not recommended to ferment in metal or plastic. I use crocks or genuine canning jars. I use canning lids to allow CO2 to escape during fermentation. Practice safe fermenting!

Also, one more note, botulism can proliferate during smoking of meats due to the low-oxygen environment. Be careful of your friend’s smoked game meat, let him eat some first. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff G.

In response to tuberculosis, Royal Rife apparently did experiments:

“Because he could culture his BX form, so small it would pass through any filter, he seemed to have discovered a filterable form of a bacterium. But just finding bacteria, even in filterable form, in a human tumor does not necessarily imply that they are its cause. To make sure, it is held they must be reinjected into animals and seen to cause the same or nearly similar disease, after which they must then be reisolated and shown to resemble the original organism. These were the postulates propounded by the German pioneer bacteriologist, Robert Koch, who proved that tuberculosis was apparently caused by the tubercule bacillus.

Following this accepted procedure, Rife inoculated the new BX forms into over 400 rats in all of which there subsequently appeared “tumors with all the true pathology of neoplastic tissue.” Some of the tumors became so large they exceeded the total weight of the individual rats in which they were developing. When the tumors were surgically removed, the BX form was recovered from them in all cases. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled.”

– What became of the Rife microscope? https://www.rife.de/what-has-become-of-the-rife-microscope.html

What are your thoughts?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff G.

“The main cause of tuberculosis is collected toxins from smoking”

Mark Purdey/WAPF article on tuberculosis: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/farm-ranch/tuberculosis-alert/

Key thoughts: Danger of acidic soils and free iron, and help from lactoferrin in raw milk.

Also see Weston Price’s observations of tuberculosis on the Isle of Lewis. Disease of modern living.

3 years ago

Dear Sir Jeff, what would be the formula to gain a perfect health and its maintenance?I’d like to get a personalized prescription and recommendation diet card for me and my family. Is it possible to have an online appointment with you? How to contact you? I’m 21(M) and live in India.

3 years ago

I’ve read your Reddit coronavirus deception post. I also intuitively came to a similar conclusion before reading it, that the origin of viruses must be inside the cell, as they’re so basic, primitive RNA structures… Love your attempts to awaken the people!

3 years ago

Hi, Jeff!

Very interesting ideas. Was gonna ask you to please address the following points.
How would you explain the phenomenon of infection caused by wounds, surgical intervention – before antiseptics were discovered? And conversely, the fact that aseptic conditions are able to decrease greatly incidence of infections, sepsis, gangrene etc.? If bacteria are indeed “outfections” that come as a consequence not as a cause of diseases, how come antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections?
Also, in regards to viruses, what about viral infections that are vector-borne such as various viral meningitises? Are those also brought about by the body and any connection to insects’ bites is purely coincidental?

Thank you!

3 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply!
I am not sure, if I have understood you correctly, but do you advocate for abolishment of aseptic conditions during surgery? Are you saying, that if surgeons would go back to pre-antiseptic standards, things would only get better? What’s your opinion of Semmelweis? Do you think that he suffered in vain?

When I was asking about antibiotics, I wanted to hear your insights on its obvious effectiveness in myriads of situations. The same goes for contemporary antivirals (such as given for Herpes or Hepatitis). I understand that they are dangerous and could bring about much harm, but what makes them work?
Going back to meningitises, I am not sure I understand how you explain the dynamic of getting a wound and coming down with inflamed meninges. And by wound, did you mean a mosquito bite?

Thank you!

3 years ago

as you so wonderfully explained the dynamic of tuberculosis and meningitis, may i ask about lyme disease and tick/insect related phenomena? i know that the suffering of it occurs in people who already have some toxicity beforehand (but then again, who hasnt in this day and age), but is the way of “infection” through a bite crossing the natural barriers (ticks and mosquitoes do spit out some matter into the blood-stream when biting after all) possibly itself like vacs disease-causing (and maybe even transmitting some parasites that wouldnt naturally occur in humans)? there is also disturbing talk about genetically engineered mosquitoes being made to use for vaccination purposes… and what is your insight into the “debate” whether borrelia spirochetes are naturally occurring or lab-manipulated?

thank you!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff G.


3 years ago

Hi Jeff,
Do you have any opinion on what they call peripheral neuropathy? Mine came on 3 or 4 years ago and I’m now 71. There have been changes in its effects to my feet and hands, and some days I feel almost normal. My instinct tells me there must be a fairly simple remedy for this. What do you say?

Joie Vawter
Joie Vawter
3 years ago

Hi Jeff, thank-you for sharing your knowledge.
I am newer to investigating further into our body’s terrain and viruses. It makes more sense to me than viruses being contagious.
In the last comment on here you mentioned hot baths. I personally have been avoiding hot baths or showers because I know our skin is our largest organ and it easily absorbs so many toxins like chlorine, bromine, that are not necessarily good for us.
With our water supply for baths & showers not being pure. Do you have any concerns with hot baths & showers?
I personally drink only reverse osmosis water and I put minerals back in the water myself. I also use the reverse osmosis water for cooking when needed.
However, my shower/bathing water is our city water full of only God knows what. So, I take lukewarm/cool water showers.
Just curious on your thoughts. Thanks!

I also, went through a serious detox of oxalates (change in diet to carnivore 18 months ago) and bromide (increased supplementation of lugol’s iodine) these past 6 months. I also started supplementing borax by adding 3mg to my water everday that I drink.
These have been phenomenal changes for my body. I feel much better and most of my chronic pain which I thought was arthritis from injuries is gone along with the inflammation.

Anyway, regarding those hot baths? Thanks again!

3 years ago

Thank You Jeff for all of your work. I purchased your book today to learn more about what you have to share concerning Viruses. I would like to ask how do I strengthen my body or keep it healthy from the onset of toxic elements that can weekend my defense systems. I noticed in one of your videos in you tube you mentioned that Iron supplements can not be used by the body Is that the same for all mineral or vitamin supplements. Do you have information on how to fight the virus if it arise in the body. Thank you in advance for any consideration you give to my request forgive me if they are questions you already answered im just stumbled on to your channel to learn more about this.

Gregory Todd
Gregory Todd
2 years ago

Hello, Jeff

I wanted to thank you for the in-depth explanation of viruses and illness linked to them, as it definitely gives perspective as to what’s going on in our world today. I had a question in regards to autoimmune issue like Crohn’s or Ulcerative colitis, as someone I know has been suffering for 6 years now and manages through supplementation but has severe allergies to many things that would be normally in her diet, especially herbs, fruits and vegetables. If you can, I would like to hear your take on what is going and what can be done. Also, what do you think of probiotic enemas for such a situation?

2 years ago

Hi Jeff,

I have been enjoying your work so far but just noticed the profile picture you are using which includes a pyramid and what seems to be a Sun / Eye – all masonic symbols. Can you please regain my trust in your work by explaining this picture?

Thank you

2 years ago

Jeff, what are your views on the bacterium Clostridium tetani and tetanus/locked jaw?

2 years ago

Hi Jeff,

Thank you very much for your eye-opening work which had led me down a life changing path of discovery. As I’m trying to integrate new ideas and sharing them with like minded people I am occasionally facing hurdles of understanding. One of these is a question around the existence of antibodies. How does the concept of antibodies as expressed in the allopathic medicine fit into your understanding of the immune system? And if antibodies don’t exist, what is being tested for? This seems to be a crucial question as these tests are being used to determine whether someone had an illness and if vaccinations are effective.

Thank you very much for your insight.

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